Category Archives: Drupal

Clean caches with a drush command in Drupal 7

/Users/user/Applications/drush/drush -y -r /Users/user/Sites/drupal -l http://localhost cache-clear all

You can select different types of caches:

  • all
  • theme registry
  • menu
  • css+js
  • block
  • module list
  • theme list
  • registry
  • views

Note: You have to install drush to run this command.

Reload a module with a drush command in Drupal 7

/Users/user/Applications/drush/drush -y -r /Users/user/Sites/drupal -l http://localhost pm-disable module_name
/Users/user/Applications/drush/drush -y -r /Users/user/Sites/drupal -l http://localhost pm-enable module_name

Note: You have to install drush to run those commands.