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Turn On Rx RSSI Display Function Turn Off Rx RSSI Display Function sta_dz_bitmap=0x%x, tim_bitmap=0x%x sleepq_len=%d capability=0x%x flags=0x%x wpa_psk=0x%x wpa2_group_cipher=0x%x wpa2_pairwise_cipher=0x%x qos_info=0x%x dot118021XPrivacy=0x%x The rx cnt of channel %3d = %d best_channel_5G = %d best_channel_24G = %d Set BSSID under fw_state=0x%08x Set SSID under fw_state=0x%08x USEUJP%s unknown country_code:%s IEEE 802.11 element parse failed (id=%d elen=%d left=%lu) short vendor specific information element ignored (len=%lu) short WME information element ignored (len=%lu) unknown WME information element ignored (subtype=%d len=%lu) Unknown Microsoft information element ignored (type=%d len=%lu) Unknown Broadcom information element ignored (type=%d len=%lu) unknown vendor specific information element ignored (vendor OUI %02x:%02x:%02x len=%lu) IEEE 802.11 element parse ignored unknown element (id=%d elen=%d) MAC Address from efuse error, assign default one !!! rtw_macaddr_cfg MAC Address = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s ID:0x%04x, LEN:%u %s ID:%u, LEN:%u desired_encmode: %d, privacy: %d %s %s, fw_state=%x %s try another roaming %s roaming do_join return %d %s We've try roaming but fail AB%s: return _FAIL(candidate == NULL) %s: candidate: %s(%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x) %s: _FW_LINKED while ask_for_joinbss!!! #### Opt_Ant_(%s) , cur_Ant(%s) [by_bssid:%u][assoc_ssid:%s][to_roaming:%u] new candidate: %s(%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x) rssi:%d ==> rtw_set_key algorithm(%x),keyid(%x),key_mask(%x) try_to_join, but select scanning queue fail, to_roaming:%d +rtw_update_ht_cap() %s(): WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_STATIC rtw_issue_addbareq_cmd, p=%d roaming from %s(%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x), length:%d roaming do_join return %d %s(%d) -to roaming fail, indicate_disconnect ChannelPlan ID %x error !!!!! %s(): channel_set[%d].ChannelNum = %d %s current operation mode=0x%X %s new operation mode=0x%X changes=%d %s [%s] peermac = %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X [%s] profileinfo_mac = %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X [%s] Match! %s, alloc xmitframe fail %s, alloc xmitbuf fail Realtek8192CU123456[%s] In 000dispadpbcrecv_Action_public_decache, seq_ctrl=0x%x, rxseq=0x%x [%s] Got GO Nego Req Frame [%s] Restore the previous p2p state to %d [%s] Got GO Nego Resp Frame [%s] Skipped GO Nego Resp Frame (p2p_state != P2P_STATE_GONEGO_ING) [%s] Got GO Nego Confirm Frame [%s] Got invite request frame! [%s] peer address %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X [%s] match_result = %d [%s] Got invite response frame! [%s] Status = %d [%s] Got Provisioning Discovery Request Frame [%s] Got Provisioning Discovery Response Frame %s, alloc mgnt frame fail beacon frame too large +OnAuth auth alg=%x, seq=%X auth rejected due to bad alg [alg=%d, auth_mib=%d] %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X going to alloc stainfo for sa=%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X Exceed the upper limit of supported clients... (1)auth rejected because out of seq [rx_seq=%d, exp_seq=%d]! (2)auth rejected because out of seq [rx_seq=%d, exp_seq=%d]! checking for challenging txt... auth rejected because challenge failure!(1) auth rejected because challenge failure! (3)auth rejected because out of seq [rx_seq=%d, exp_seq=%d]! network.SupportedRates[%d]=%02X %s(): the rate[%d]=%02X is not supported by STA! bssrate_len = %d declare supporting RX STBC %s to %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s, category=%d, action=%d, status=%d BA_starting_seqctrl = %d for TID=%d %s, action=%d agg_enable for TID=%d %s(): DELBA: %x(%x) rx agg disable tid(%d) tx agg disable tid(%d) %s fail! %u ms %s success, issue:%d, poll:%d, %u ms marc: cannot find SSID for survey event %s()-%d: IE too long (%d) for survey event clnt auth fail, status: %d [%s] P2P State is GONEGO ING! survey done event(%x) [%s] In P2P WPS mode, stay in the peer operating channel = %d report_join_res(%d) start_create_ibss, invalid cap:%x assoc reject, status code: %d report_del_sta_event: delete STA report_add_sta_event: add STA =>%s ============ RX GAIN / FALSE ALARM =================== DIG PATH-A(0x%02x), PATH-B(0x%02x) OFDM -Alarm DA2(0x%04x),DA4(0x%04x),DA6(0x%04x),DA8(0x%04x) CCK -Alarm A5B(0x%02x),A5C(0x%02x) no beacon to call receive_disconnect() %s idx:%d, cnt:%u %s idx:%d link_timer_hdl:no beacon while connecting link_timer_hdl: auth timeout and try again link_timer_hdl: assoc timeout and try again set ch/bw before connected r871x_set_stakey_hdl(): enc_algorithm=%d r871x_set_stakey_hdl():set_stakey failed, mac_id(aid)=%d Write CAM, mac_addr=%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x, cam_entry=%d r871x_set_stakey_hdl(): sta has been free issue_beacon, fail! unknown OUI type! %s, len=%d %s(): WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_STATIC CH=%d, BW=%d, offset=%d update_bmc_sta, mask=0x%x, arg=0x%x add_RATid_bmc_sta error! HT: STA %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x HT Capabilities Info: 0x%04x %s STA %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x - no greenfield, num of non-gf stations %d %s STA %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x - 20 MHz HT, num of 20MHz HT STAs %d %s STA %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x - no HT, num of non-HT stations %d auth expire %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X asoc expire by DELBA/ADDBA! (%d s) asoc check by DELBA/ADDBA! (%d s) asoc expire %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X %s Reason code(%d) %s, STA:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x handle_assoc(reassoc=%d) - too short payload (len=%lu) STA %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x sent invalid association request Rx a sta assoc-req which supported rate is empty! STA included WPS IE in (Re)Association Request - assume WPS is used STA did not include WPA/RSN IE in (Re)Association Request - possible WPS use selected_registrar is _FALSE , or AP is not ready to do WPS STA %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x: WPA/RSN IE in association request, but AP don't support WPA/RSN STA included WPS IE in (Re)Association Request - WPS is used HT: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x tried to use TKIP with HT association old AID %d no room for more AIDs allocate new AID = (%d) indicate_sta_join_event to upper layer - hostapd %s=> mac_id:%d , raid:%d , bitmap=0x%x, arg=0x%x station aid %d exceed the max number ACTION_SPECTRUM_MGMTACTION_QOSACTION_DLSACTION_BACKACTION_PUBLICACTION_RADIO_MEASUREMENTACTION_FTACTION_HTACTION_SA_QUERYACTION_WMMACTION_P2POnAssocReqOnAssocRspOnReAssocReqOnReAssocRspOnProbeReqOnProbeRspDoReservedOnBeaconOnATIMOnDisassocOnAuthOnDeAuthOnActionWMM(%x): %x, %x %s link to Artheros AP link to Broadcom AP link to Marvell AP link to Ralink AP link to Cisco AP link to Realtek 96B link to Airgo Cap link to new AP ==>pwr_state_check_handler .fw_state(%x) ==>ips_enter cnts:%d ==>power_saving_ctrl_wk_hdl change rf to OFF...LED(0x%08x).... ==>ips_leave cnts:%d ==>%s,channel(%d),processing(%x) ==> ips_leave.....LED(0x%08x)... rf_onrf_off@@@@- #2 %s==> rfstate:%s current rf_pwrstate(%s) ==>%s .fw_state(%x) Group handshake still in progress !!! rtw_set_ps_mode: Leave 802.11 power save rtw_set_ps_mode: Enter 802.11 power save Wait for FW LPS leave more than %u ms!!! %s call ips_leave.... ======> ips_leave fail............. %s: bDriverStopped=%d, bup=%d, hw_init_completed=%u %s: dequeue uc_swdec_pending_queue recvframe_chkmic:didn't install group key!!!!!!!!!! mic error :prxattrib->bdecrypted=%d no buffered packets to xmit error!psta->sleepq_len=%d ############################# %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X: nRemain_Length is %d and nSubframe_Length is : %d skb_clone() Fail!!! , nr_subframes = %d ParseSubframe(): Too many Subframes! Packets dropped! %s: no key, enqueue uc_swdec_pending_queue %s qos_acm(): invalid pattrib->priority: %d!!! ==> %s buf_addr==NULL rtw_xmitframe_coalesce: rtw_make_wlanhdr fail; drop pkt xmitframe_addmic(padapter, pxmitframe)==_FAIL rtw_xmit_classifier: psta == NULL TX DROP: skb_copy fail! %s(): skb_is_nonlinear!! TX DROP: nat25_db_handle fail! TX DROP: untransformed frame SA:%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X! TX DROP: skb_linearize fail! DBG_TX_DROP_FRAME %s no more pxmitframe [%s] p2p_state is %d, ignore!! [%s] %s [%s] P2P IE not Found!! [%s] P2P IE Found!! [%s] Got P2P Capability Attr!! [%s] Got P2P DEVICE INFO Attr!! dislabpbcpad[%s] config method = %s 000[%s] WPS IE not Found!! [%s] GO Intent = %d, tie = %d [%s] desired channel NOT Found! [%s] Status = %d [%s] Peer's operating channel = %d [%s] channel count = %d [%s] channel list attribute not found! [%s] Ssid = %s, ssidlen = %d %s(): Enter CTW, change SmartPS DIRECT-Realtek DMP DevicePADOPADSNAT25: malformed IP packet ! NAT25: arp protocol unknown (%4x)! NAT25: Protocol=Ethernet SNAP %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x NAT25: Appletalk AARP Sanity check fail! SID tag length too long! call skb_pull_and_merge() failed in PADI/R packet! skb_tailroom() failed in add SID tag! Discard PPPoE packet due to another PPPoE connection is in progress! Fail to find PTT_RELAY_SID in FADO! Invalid PTT_RELAY_SID tag length [%d]! Can't find MAGIC_CODE in %s packet! call skb_pull_and_merge() failed in PADO packet! Discard PPPoE packet due to no connection in progresss! NAT25: malformed IPv6 packet ! offset=%x word_en=%x data=%x %s: offset=%#X %s: word_en=%#X %s: data=0x%02X rtw_hal_init: hal__init fail rtw_hal_deinit: hal_init fail %s: HalFunc.enable_interrupt is NULL! %s: HalFunc.disable_interrupt is NULL! %s Initialize dvobjpriv.inirp_init error!!! CHIP_8192CCHIP_8188CNormal_ChipTest_ChipTSMCUMCChip Version Info: %s_Chip Version Info: CHIP_8192D_Chip Version Info: CHIP_8723A_Chip Version Info: CHIP_8188E_%s_A_CUT_B_CUT_C_CUT_D_CUT_E_CUT_UNKNOWN_CUT(%d)_1T1R_1T2R_2T2R_UNKNOWN_RFTYPE(%d)_RomVer(%d) Error, All words disabled Hal_EfuseReadEFuse88E(): Invalid offset(%#x) with read bytes(%#x)!! %s: alloc efuseTbl fail! %s: alloc eFuseWord fail! EFUSE is empty efuse_Addr-%d efuse_data=%x RF_Type is %x!! ### Set STA_(%d) info ### Clean STA_(%d) info =====> _8051Reset88E(): 8051 reset success . %s: fw_ver=%d fw_subver=%d sig=0x%x %s writeFW_retry:%u, time after fwdl_start_time:%ums %s: chksum report fail! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x %s: Checksum report OK! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x %s: Polling FW ready success!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x %s: Polling FW ready fail!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x DL Firmware failed! E-FUSE93C46EEPROM type is %s EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!! EEPROM ID=0x%04x %s...bHWPwrPindetect(%x)-bHWPowerdown(%x) ,bSupportRemoteWakeup(%x) ### PS params=> power_mgnt(%x),usbss_enable(%x) ### ======= TxCount %d ======= CCK_24G_Diff[%d][%d]= %d OFDM_24G_Diff[%d][%d]= %d BW20_24G_Diff[%d][%d]= %d BW40_24G_Diff[%d][%d]= %d EEPROMRegulatory = 0x%x ======= Path %d, Channel %d ======= Index24G_CCK_Base[%d][%d] = 0x%x Index24G_BW40_Base[%d][%d] = 0x%x CrystalCap: 0x%2x Board Type: 0x%2x mlmepriv.ChannelPlan = 0x%02x EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x EEPROM : AntDivCfg = %x, TRxAntDivType = %x ThermalMeter = 0x%x HalDetectPwrDownMode(): PDN=%d FillH2CCmd_88E(): return H2C cmd because fw is not ready Chip test - check fw write failed, write again.. fw read cmd failed... ==>%s fw dont support RA %s=> mac_id:%d , raid:%d , ra_bitmap=0x%x, shortGIrate=0x%02x %s: Mode=%d SmartPS=%d UAPSD=%d ### %s: MStatus=%x MACID=%d beacon frame too large %s mstatus(%x) HalDownloadRSVDPage(): There is an Adapter is sending beacon. %s %s: alloc ReservedPagePacket fail! %s: Set RSVD page location to Fw %s: 1 Download RSVD page failed! DLBcnCount:%u, poll:%u %s: 1 Download RSVD success! DLBcnCount:%u, poll:%u Set RSVD page location to Fw. %s OutEpQueueSel(0x%02x), OutEpNumber(%d) ==> Disable all dynamic function... ==> Disable DIG... ==> Disable tx power tracking... ==> Turn on all dynamic function... VID = 0x%04X, PID = 0x%04X Customer ID: 0x%02X, SubCustomer ID: 0x%02X EEPROMEFUSEFailOK====> %s Boot from %s, Autoload %s ! <==== %s in %d ms %s => mac_id:%d, networkType:0x%02x, mask:0x%08x ==> rssi_level:%d, rate_bitmap:0x%08x update raid entry, mask=0x%x, arg=0x%x ============ RA status check =================== Mac_id:%d ,RateID = %d,RAUseRate = 0x%08x,RateSGI = %d, DecisionRate = 0x%02x ,PTStage = %d Antenna_AAntenna_B3%s: run power on flow fail %s: Download Firmware failed!! Set RF Chip ID to RF_6052 and RF type to %d. ==> %s .... %s,Cur_ant:(%x)%s MAC Address from REG_MACID = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s in %dms Set RF Chip ID to RF_6052 and RF type to 1T1R. pwrdown, 0x5c(BIT7)=%02x GPIO_IN=%02x ==> %s bkeepfwalive(%x) %s()-%d mode = %d HW_VAR_BASIC_RATE: BrateCfg(%#x) [HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL] Write 0x%X Stop RX DMA failed...... ### MacID(%d),Set Max Tx RPT MID(%d) cant not alloc memory for HAL DATA pxmitframe->frame_tag == TXAGG_FRAMETAG pxmitframe->frame_tag = %d ==> %s xmitframe_coalsece failed 4rx_skb_queue not empty 4free_recv_skb_queue not empty, %d usb_write_port_cancel usb_read_port_cancel usb_write_port, status=%d &x->waitusb_write_port sync, status=%d %s(): TX Warning! bDriverStopped(%d) OR bSurpriseRemoved(%d) bWritePortCancel(%d) pxmitbuf->ext_tag(%x) ###=> urb_write_port_complete status(%d) bSurpriseRemoved=TRUE readwrite[%s] Buffer len error ,vendor request failed [%s] pIo_buf == NULL reg 0x%x, usb %s %u fail, status:%d value=0x%x, vendorreq_times:%d [dvobjpriv:%p][ERROR] continual_urb_error:%d > %d #### usb_read_port() alloc_skb fail!##### cannot submit rx in-token(err = 0x%08x),urb_status = %d %s() RX Warning! bDriverStopped(%d) OR bSurpriseRemoved(%d) bReadPortCancel(%d) %s()-%d: RX Warning! ###=> usb_read_port_complete => urb status(%d) ERROR: URB IS IN PROGRESS!/n%s Invalid interrupt content length (%d)! recv_tasklet => bDriverStopped or bSurpriseRemoved %s()-%d: rtw_alloc_recvframe() failed! RX Drop! %s: RX Warning! crc_err=%d icv_err=%d, skip! %s()-%d: RX Warning!,pkt_len<=0 or pkt_offset> transfoer_len recvbuf2recvframe: alloc_skb fail , drop frag frame recvbuf2recvframe: skb_clone fail rx CCX xmit_tasklet => bDriverStopped or bSurpriseRemoved or bWritePortCancel CHIP TYPE: RTL8188E dump tx_desc for data frame dump tx_desc for mgnt frame ===================================== txdw0(0x%08x) txdw1(0x%08x) txdw2(0x%08x) txdw3(0x%08x) txdw4(0x%08x) txdw5(0x%08x) txdw6(0x%08x) txdw7(0x%08x) %s REG_TXDMA_STATUS:0x%08x %s tx hang %s REG_RXDMA_STATUS:0x%08xtxdmastatu(%x) ==>%s error_status(0x%x) ==> %s wifi_status(0x%x) [ODM-92C] [ODM-92D] [ODM-8723A] [ODM-8188E] [ODM-8812] [ODM-8821] %s(): ===>ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile %s(): ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_A:Rtl8188ERadioA_1TArray %s(): ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_B:Rtl8188ERadioB_1TArray %s(): ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile: Radio No %x %s(): ===> phy_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile() agc:Rtl8188EPHY_REG_PGArray [ODM-92C] [ODM-92D] [ODM-8723A] [ODM-8188E] [ODM-8812] [ODM-8821] %s(): odm_CmnInfoInit_Debug==> %s(): SupportPlatform=%d %s(): SupportAbility=0x%x %s(): SupportInterface=%d %s(): SupportICType=0x%x %s(): CutVersion=%d %s(): FabVersion=%d %s(): RFType=%d %s(): BoardType=%d %s(): ExtLNA=%d %s(): ExtPA=%d %s(): ExtTRSW=%d %s(): PatchID=%d %s(): bInHctTest=%d %s(): bWIFITest=%d %s(): bDualMacSmartConcurrent=%d %s(): odm_CmnInfoHook_Debug==> %s(): pNumTxBytesUnicast=%llu %s(): pNumRxBytesUnicast=%llu %s(): pWirelessMode=0x%x %s(): pSecChOffset=%d %s(): pSecurity=%d %s(): pBandWidth=%d %s(): pChannel=%d %s(): pbScanInProcess=%d %s(): pbPowerSaving=%d %s(): pOnePathCCA=%d %s(): odm_CmnInfoUpdate_Debug==> %s(): bWIFI_Direct=%d %s(): bWIFI_Display=%d %s(): bLinked=%d %s(): RSSI_Min=%d %s(): ODM_REG(IGI_A,pDM_Odm)=0x%x, ODM_BIT(IGI,pDM_Odm)=0x%x %s(): CurrentIGI(0x%02x). %s(): ODM_Write_DIG():CurrentIGI=0x%x %s(): odm_DIG()==> %s(): odm_DIG() Return: SupportAbility ODM_BB_DIG or ODM_BB_FA_CNT is disabled %s(): odm_DIG() Return: In Scan Progress %s(): odm_DIG() Return: PSD is Processing %s(): odm_DIG() : bOneEntryOnly=TRUE, DIG_Dynamic_MIN=0x%x %s(): odm_DIG() : pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min=%d%s(): odm_DIG(): pDM_DigTable->AntDiv_RSSI_max=%d %s(): odm_DIG() : No Link %s(): dm_DIG(): Abnornally false alarm case. %s(): odm_DIG(): DIG AfterLink %s(): DIG: First Connect %s(): odm_DIG(): DIG BeforeLink %s(): odm_DIG(): DIG End Adjust IGI %s(): odm_DIG(): rx_gain_range_max=0x%x, rx_gain_range_min=0x%x %s(): odm_DIG(): TotalFA=%d %s(): odm_DIG(): CurIGValue=0x%x %s(): Enter odm_FalseAlarmCounterStatistics %s(): Cnt_Fast_Fsync=%d, Cnt_SB_Search_fail=%d %s(): Cnt_Parity_Fail=%d, Cnt_Rate_Illegal=%d %s(): Cnt_Crc8_fail=%d, Cnt_Mcs_fail=%d %s(): Cnt_Cck_fail=%d %s(): Cnt_Ofdm_fail=%d %s(): Total False Alarm=%d %s(): ==> rssi_level:0x%02x, WirelessMode:0x%02x, rate_bitmap:0x%08x Assertion failed! %s at ...... FALSE ......%s,%s,line=%d /home/pi/compilaciones/rpi-rtl8188eu/hal/OUTSRC/odm.c%s(): wrong rssi level setting %d !%s(): RSSI Level %d -> %d %s(): <---- odm_RefreshRateAdaptiveMask(): driver is going to unload %s(): <---- odm_RefreshRateAdaptiveMask(): driver does not control rate adaptive mask %s(): RSSI:%d, RSSI_LEVEL:%d SwAntennaSwitchTimerpDM_Odm TxPowerTrackControl = %d %s(): odm_InitHybridAntDiv==============> %s(): <==============odm_InitHybridAntDiv %s(): Return: Not Support HW AntDiv Ant1Ant2%s(): odm_StaDefAntSelect==============> %s(): OFDM_Ant1_Cnt:%d, OFDM_Ant2_Cnt:%d %s(): CCK_Ant1_Cnt:%d, CCK_Ant2_Cnt:%d %s(): odm_StaDefAntSelect Fail: No enough packet info! %s(): TxAnt = %s %s(): <==============odm_StaDefAntSelect %s(): RxIdleAnt: %s Reg858=0x%x %s(): odm_HwAntDiv==============> %s(): odm_HwAntDiv: Not supported! %s(): Return: IC Type is not 92C or 92D %s(): Return: bLinked is FALSE %s(): RSSI_Ant1=%d, RSSI_Ant2=%d %s(): <==============odm_HwAntDiv %s(): Orginial VO PARAM: 0x%x %s(): Orginial VI PARAM: 0x%x %s(): Orginial BE PARAM: 0x%x %s(): Orginial BK PARAM: 0x%x %s(): odm_EdcaTurboCheck========================> %s(): <========================odm_EdcaTurboCheck %s(): psd_report_A[%d]= %d %s(): psd_report_B[%d]= %d %s(): psd_report_O[%d]= %d %s(): ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Single Antenna A %s(): ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Dual Antenna is A and B %s(): ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Need to check again %s(): Ant A is OFF%s(): Ant A is ON%s(): Ant B is OFF%s(): Ant B is ON%s(): ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Single Antenna B [ODM-92C] [ODM-92D] [ODM-8723A] [ODM-8188E] [ODM-8812] [ODM-8821] %s(): PHY_ResetIQKResult:: settings regs %d default regs %d [ODM-92C] [ODM-92D] [ODM-8723A] [ODM-8188E] [ODM-8812] [ODM-8821] %s(): BbSwingIdxOfdm = %d BbSwingFlagOfdm=%d %s(): pDM_Odm->BbSwingIdxCck = %d pDM_Odm->BbSwingIdxCckBase = %d %s(): odm_TxPwrTrackSetPwr88E CH=%d %s(): Path A IQK! %s(): Path-A IQK setting! %s(): LO calibration setting! %s(): One shot, path A LOK & IQK! %s(): Delay %d ms for One shot, path A LOK & IQK. %s(): 0xeac = 0x%x %s(): 0xe94 = 0x%x %s(): 0xe9c = 0x%x %s(): 0xea4 = 0x%x %s(): Path A Rx IQK! %s(): Path-A Rx IQK modify RXIQK mode table! %s(): 0xe40 = 0x%x u4tmp = 0x%x %s(): Path-A Rx IQK modify RXIQK mode table 2! %s(): Path A Rx IQK fail!! %s(): Path B IQK! %s(): Delay %d ms for One shot, path B LOK & IQK. %s(): 0xeb4 = 0x%x %s(): 0xebc = 0x%x %s(): 0xec4 = 0x%x %s(): 0xecc = 0x%x %s(): Path B Rx IQK fail!! SuccessFailed%s(): Path A IQ Calibration %s ! %s(): X = 0x%x, TX0_A = 0x%x, Oldval_0 0x%x %s(): Y = 0x%x, TX = 0x%x %s(): _PHY_PathAFillIQKMatrix only Tx OK %s(): Path B IQ Calibration %s ! %s(): X = 0x%x, TX1_A = 0x%x %s(): Y = 0x%x, TX1_C = 0x%x %s(): Save ADDA parameters. %s(): Save MAC parameters. %s(): Reload ADDA power saving parameters ! %s(): Reload MAC parameters ! %s(): ADDA ON. %s(): MAC settings for Calibration. %s(): Path-A standby mode! PISI%s(): BB Switch to %s mode! %s(): ===> IQK:phy_SimularityCompare_8188E c1 %d c2 %d!!! %s(): IQK:phy_SimularityCompare_8188E differnece overflow index %d compare1 0x%x compare2 0x%x!!! %s(): IQK:phy_SimularityCompare_8188E SimularityBitMap %d !!! 2T2R1T1R%s(): IQ Calibration for %s for %d times %s(): IQK setting! %s(): Path A Tx IQK Success!! %s(): Path A Rx IQK Success!! %s(): Path A Rx IQK Fail!! %s(): Path A IQK failed!! %s(): Path B IQK Success!! %s(): Path B Only Tx IQK Success!! %s(): Path B IQK failed!! %s(): IQK:Back to BB mode, load original value! %s(): phy_IQCalibrate_8188E() <== %s(): ==>phy_APCalibrate_8188E() delta %d %s(): AP Calibration for %s %s(): PHY_IQCalibrate_8188E: Return due to bReCovery! %s(): IQK:Start!!! %s(): IQK: is12simular final_candidate is %x %s(): IQK: is13simular final_candidate is %x %s(): IQK: is23simular final_candidate is %x %s(): IQK: RegE94=%x RegE9C=%x RegEA4=%x RegEAC=%x RegEB4=%x RegEBC=%x RegEC4=%x RegECC=%x %s(): IQK: final_candidate is %x %s(): IQK: FAIL use default value %s(): IQK OK Indexforchannel %d. %s(): IQK finished %s(): LCK:Finish!!!interface %d %s(): ===>dm_TXPowerTrackingCallback_ThermalMeter_8188E txpowercontrol %d %s(): Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x EEPROMthermalmeter 0x%x %s(): Initial pathA ele_D reg0x%x = 0x%x, OFDM_index=0x%x %s(): Initial reg0x%x = 0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x, ch 14 %d %s(): RegA24: 0x%X, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[%d][2]: CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[i][2]: 0x%X %s(): Initial reg0x%x = 0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x, ch14 %d %s(): reload ofdm index for band switch %s(): AVG Thermal Meter = 0x%x %s(): Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x EEPROMthermalmeter 0x%x delta 0x%x delta_LCK 0x%x delta_IQK 0x%x %s(): pre thermal meter LCK 0x%x pre thermal meter IQK 0x%x delta_LCK_bound 0x%x delta_IQK_bound 0x%x %s(): temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x %s(): new OFDM_A_index=0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x %s(): TxPwrTracking for path A: X = 0x%x, Y = 0x%x ele_A = 0x%x ele_C = 0x%x ele_D = 0x%x 0xe94 = 0x%x 0xe9c = 0x%x %s(): TxPwrTracking 0xc80 = 0x%x, 0xc94 = 0x%x RF 0x24 = 0x%x %s(): <===dm_TXPowerTrackingCallback_ThermalMeter_8188E [ODM-92C] [ODM-92D] [ODM-8723A] [ODM-8188E] [ODM-8812] [ODM-8821] %s(): ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile: [RadioA] %08X %08X %s(): ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile: [RadioB] %08X %08X %s(): ===> ODM_ConfigMACWithHeaderFile: [MAC_REG] %08X %08X %s(): ===> ODM_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile: [AGC_TAB] %08X %08X %s(): ===> @@@@@@@ ODM_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile: [PHY_REG] %08X %08X %08X %s(): ===> ODM_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile: [PHY_REG] %08X %08X [ODM-92C] [ODM-92D] [ODM-8723A] [ODM-8188E] [ODM-8812] [ODM-8821] %s(): pRaInfo->RptTime=0x%x %s(): =====>odm_RateDecision_8188E() %s(): NscDown init is %d %s(): NscDown is %d, total*penalty[5] is %d %s(): NscUp init is %d %s(): NscUp is %d, total*up[5] is %d %s(): RssiStaRa= %d RtyPtID=%d PenaltyID1=0x%x PenaltyID2=0x%x RateID=%d NscDown=%d NscUp=%d SGI=%d %s(): =====>odm_RateDown_8188E() %s(): odm_RateDown_8188E(): pRaInfo is NULL %s(): RateID=%d LowestRate=%d HighestRate=%d RateSGI=%d %s(): Rate down, RPT Timing default %s(): RAWaitingCounter %d, RAPendingCounter %d%s(): Rate down to RateID %d RateSGI %d %s(): <=====odm_RateDown_8188E() %s(): =====>odm_RateUp_8188E() %s(): odm_RateUp_8188E(): pRaInfo is NULL %s(): RateID=%d HighestRate=%d %s(): odm_RateUp_8188E():Decrease RPT Timing %s(): Rate up to RateID %d %s(): <=====odm_RateUp_8188E() %s(): <=====Rate don't change 4 times, Extend RPT Timing %s(): <=====odm_RateDecision_8188E() %s(): =====>ODM_RASupport_Init() %s(): ODM_RAInfo_Init(): WirelessMode:0x%08x ,max_raid_idx:0x%02x %s(): =====> %s(): MacID=%d SGI=%d %s(): MacID=%d DecisionRate=0x%x %s(): MacID=%d PTStage=0x%x %s(): MacID=%d RateID=0x%x RateMask=0x%x SGIEnable=%d %s(): ODM_ARFBRefresh_8188E(): PTModeSS=%d %s(): ODM_ARFBRefresh_8188E(): RateID=%d RateMask=%8.8x RAUseRate=%8.8x HighestRate=%d,DecisionRate=%d %s(): MacID=%d Rssi=%d %s(): =====>ODM_RA_TxRPT2Handle_8188E(): valid0=%d valid1=%d BufferLength=%d %s(): macid=%d Total=%d R0=%d R1=%d R2=%d R3=%d R4=%d D0=%d valid0=%x valid1=%x %s(): macid=%d R0=%d R1=%d R2=%d R3=%d R4=%d drop=%d valid0=%x RateID=%d SGI=%d %s(): TOTAL=0!!!! %s(): =====>odm_RATxRPTTimerSetting() %s(): CurrminRptTime =0x%04x minRptTime=0x%04x %s(): <=====odm_RATxRPTTimerSetting() %s(): <===== ODM_RA_TxRPT2Handle_8188E() [ODM-92C] [ODM-92D] [ODM-8723A] [ODM-8188E] [ODM-8812] [ODM-8821] %s(): ODM_DIG_LowerBound_88E(): pDM_DigTable->AntDiv_RSSI_max=%d %s(): odm_FastAntTrainingInit() MAIN_ANTAUX_ANT%s(): Need to Update Rx Idle Ant %s(): RxIdleAnt=%s %s(): odm_TRX_HWAntDivInit() %s(): odm_RX_HWAntDivInit() TRUEFALSE%s(): pDM_Odm->AntDivType=%d %s(): pDM_Odm->bIsMPChip=%s %s(): Tx from TxInfo, TargetAnt=%s %s(): antsel_tr_mux=3'b%d%d%d %s(): MacID=%d, MainAnt_Sum=%d, MainAnt_Cnt=%d %s(): MacID=%d, AuxAnt_Sum=%d, AuxAnt_Cnt=%d %s(): MacID=%d, Main_RSSI= %d, Aux_RSSI= %d %s(): ODM_AntennaDiversity_88E(): No Link. %s(): Need to Turn off HW AntDiv %s(): Need to Turn on HW AntDiv Fail to polling Offset[%#x] %s: alloc memory fail! pmutex%s openFile path:%s fp=%p %s readFile, ret:%d %s openFile path:%s Fail, ret:%d %s NULL pointer %s writeFile, ret:%d (2)871x_drv - drv_close, bup=%d, hw_init_completed=%d include/linux/netdevice.h6netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() -871x_drv - drv_close, bup=%d rtl819xCrtl819xDrtl8188eu3Unable to create rtw_proc directory ver_infoUnable to create_proc_read_entry! Unable to create dir_dev directory write_regread_regfwstatesec_infomlmext_stateqos_optionht_optionrf_infoap_infoadapter_statetrx_infomac_reg_dump1mac_reg_dump2mac_reg_dump3bb_reg_dump1bb_reg_dump2bb_reg_dump3rf_reg_dump1rf_reg_dump2rf_reg_dump3rf_reg_dump4all_sta_infobest_channelrx_signalrssi_dispregister rtw_netdev_ops to netdev_ops ANYCan't _rtw_init_xmit_priv Can't _rtw_init_recv_priv Can't _rtw_init_sta_priv br0%s()-%d: dev_get_by_name(%s) failed!+871x_drv - drv_open, bup=%d MAC Address = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x -871x_drv - drv_open, bup=%d -871x_drv - drv_open fail, bup=%d ===> %s......... -ips_netdrv_open - drv_open failure, bup=%d ===> rtw_ips_pwr_up.............. <=== rtw_ips_pwr_up.............. in %dms ====> %s... ===> rtw_ips_pwr_down................... <=== rtw_ips_pwr_down..................... in %dms wlan%d===> rtw_dev_unload <=== rtw_dev_unload padapter->bup=%d bDriverStopped=%d bSurpriseRemoved = %d ########### rtw_suspend ################# include/linux/netdevice.h6netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() %s:%d %s(%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x), length:%d assoc_ssid.length:%d ########### rtw_suspend done ################# ########### rtw_suspend fail !! ################# +rtw_dev_remove +r871xu_dev_remove, hw_init_completed=%d usb attached..., try to reset usb device -r871xu_dev_remove, done alloc usb_vendor_req_buf failed... /n usb_endpoint_descriptor(%d): bLength=%x bDescriptorType=%x bEndpointAddress=%x wMaxPacketSize=%d bInterval=%x RT_usb_endpoint_is_bulk_in = %x RT_usb_endpoint_is_int_in = %x, Interval = %x RT_usb_endpoint_is_bulk_out = %x nr_endpoint=%d, in_num=%d, out_num=%d USB_SPEED_HIGH NON USB_SPEED_HIGH Detect NULL_CHIP_TYPE padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bSupportRemoteWakeup~~~~~~ padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bSupportRemoteWakeup~~~[%d]~~~ MAC Address from pnetdev->dev_addr= %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ui_pid[1]:%d bDriverStopped:%d, bSurpriseRemoved:%d, bup:%d, hw_init_completed:%d ==> rtw_hw_suspend %s, failed ==> rtw_hw_resume %s, Open net dev failed ########### rtw_resume ################# bkeepfwalive(%x) pid[1]:%d ########### rtw_resume done################# ########### rtw_resume done with error################# rtl8188eu driver version=%s v4.1.2_4787.20120803build time: %s %s May 29 201317:48:548188eu+rtw_drv_halt -rtw_drv_halt rtl8188eu%s set pid[%d]=%d %s selector %d error wpa_set_auth_algs, AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY and AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM [value:0x%x] wpa_set_auth_algs, AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY [value:0x%x] wpa_set_auth_algs, AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM wpa_set_auth_algs, AUTH_ALG_LEAP wpa_set_auth_algs, error! [%s] wps_start = %d +%s %s: no memory! %s: copy from user fail! %s: string="%s" ,%s: parameter error(level 1)! %s new_ifname:%s disable%d%s disable [%s] extra = %s wpsCM=[%s] data = %s M=%.4d M=0000devN= N=%s N=0000status[%s] Role = %d, Status = %d, peer addr = %.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X Status=%.2d role Role=%.2d peer_ifa MAC %.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2Xreq_cm CM=%s peer_deva %.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X[rtw_wx_set_pmkid] IW_PMKSA_ADD! [rtw_wx_set_pmkid] BSSID exists in the PMKList. [rtw_wx_set_pmkid] IW_PMKSA_REMOVE! [rtw_wx_set_pmkid] IW_PMKSA_FLUSH! [rtw_wx_set_pmkid] Use the new entry index = %d for this PMKID. enable=setDN=[%s] %s %d profilefound=[%s] In value = %s, len = %d prov_disc=[%s] WiFi Direct is disable! displaykeypadpbclabel[%s] Unknown WPS config methodn[%s] NOT Found in the Scanning Queue! nego=[%s] Start PreTx Procedure! [%s] Not Found in Scanning Queue~ intent=[%s] intent = %d ssid=[%s] ssid = %s, len = %d got_wpsinfo=listen_ch=[%s] listen_ch = %d op_ch=[%s] op_ch = %d 0x%05x%d,%x0x%02X0x%04X0x%08X6%s: usage> read [bytes],[address(hex)] 6%s: addr=0x%08X data=%s %d,%x,%x6%s: addr=0x%08X data=0x%02X 6%s: addr=0x%08X data=0x%04X 6%s: addr=0x%08X data=0x%08X 6%s: usage> write [bytes],[address(hex)],[data(hex)] ======== Set channel_plan = 0x%02X ======== +rtw_get_aplist_info Invalid BSSID '%s'. BSSID:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s 871x_driver is only for normal mode, can't enter mp mode ==> trigger gpio 0 +rtw_wx_set_enc, flags=0x%x EncryptionDisabled rtw_wx_set_enc, key=%d rtw_wx_set_enc():IW_ENCODE_OPEN rtw_wx_set_enc():IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED rtw_wx_set_enc():erq->flags=0x%x (keyindex_provided == 1), keyid=%d, key_len=%d WEPwpa_set_encryption, crypt.alg = WEP (1)wep_key_idx=%d wep, set_tx=1 wep, set_tx=0 noneTKIP ~~~~stastakey:unicastkey ~~~~stastakey:groupkey CCMP%s...call rtw_indicate_disconnect wpa_ie(length:%d): 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x SET WPS_IE SET WPS_IE, wps_phase==_TRUE IEEE 802.11bnIEEE 802.11bIEEE 802.11bgnIEEE 802.11bgIEEE 802.11anIEEE 802.11aIEEE 802.11gnIEEE 802.11gunassociated.5 Rates (Mb/s): %d%s wpa_ie=%02xrsn_ie=%s, cmd=%d, reason=%d %s call ips_leave.... ======> ips_leave fail............. IPS_NORMALIPS_LEVEL_2%s %s %s: in=%s realmap%s: read realmap Fail!! %s0x%02x %s%02X %s rmap%s: rmap Fail!! Parameters error! %s: addr=%x %s: rmap Fail!! cnts error! %s: cnts=%d %s: addr(0x%X)+cnts(%d) parameter error! %s: rtw_efuse_map_read error! %s0x%02X realraw%s: rtw_efuse_access Fail!! %s%02X%s mac%s: addr(0x%02x)+cnts(%d) parameter error! %s:vidpid%s: rtw_efuse_access error!! %s0x%02X%s,ableraw[available raw size]= %d bytesbtfmap%s: rtw_BT_efuse_map_read Fail!! %s0x%03x btbmapbtrmap%s: addr=0x%X %s: btrmap Fail!! cnts error! %s: rtw_BT_efuse_map_read error!! %s 0x%02X btffakebtbfakewlrfkmap%s %02XCommand not found!wmap%s: map data=%s %s: rtw_efuse_map_write error!! wraw%s: raw data=%s %s: error data for mac addr="%s" %s: MAC address=%s %s: VID/PID=%s btwmap%s: BT data=%s %s: rtw_BT_efuse_map_write error!! btwfake%s: BT tmp data=%s btdumpfake%s: BT read all map success %s: BT read all map Fail! wldumpfake%s: BT read all map success %s: BT read all map Fail btfk2map%s: rtw_BT_efuse_map_write error! wlfk2map%s: rtw_efuse_map_write error! wlwfake%s: map tmp data=%s lps=%uips==>%s ssid=%s, len=%d <=%s, ret %d bDriverStopped=%d IW_SCAN_THIS_ESSID, ssid=%s, len=%d rtw_wx_set_scan, req->scan_type == IW_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE probe_req_wps_ielen=%d %s()-%d: rtw_malloc() ERROR! set_mode = IW_MODE_AUTO set_mode = IW_MODE_ADHOC set_mode = IW_MODE_MASTER set_mode = IW_MODE_INFRA ======= MAC REG ======= 0x%02x 0x%08x ======= BB REG ======= ======= RF REG ======= RF_Path(%x) 0x%02x onoffrtw_read8(0x%x)=0x%02x rtw_read16(0x%x)=0x%04x rtw_read32(0x%x)=0x%08x rtw_write8(0x%x)=0x%02x rtw_write16(0x%x)=0x%04x rtw_write32(0x%x)=0x%08x read_bbreg(0x%x)=0x%x write_bbreg(0x%x)=0x%x read RF_reg path(0x%02x),offset(0x%x),value(0x%08x) write RF_reg path(0x%02x),offset(0x%x),value(0x%08x) fwstate=0x%x auth_alg=0x%x, enc_alg=0x%x, auth_type=0x%x, enc_type=0x%x pmlmeinfo->state=0x%x qos_option=%d ht_option=%d cur_ch=%d cur_bw=%d cur_ch_off=%d SSID=%s sta's macaddr:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x cur_channel=%d, cur_bwmode=%d, cur_ch_offset=%d rtsen=%d, cts2slef=%d qos_en=%d, ht_en=%d, init_rate=%d state=0x%x, aid=%d, macid=%d, raid=%d bwmode=%d, ch_offset=%d, sgi=%d ampdu_enable = %d agg_enable_bitmap=%x, candidate_tid_bitmap=%x tid=%d, indicate_seq=%d can't get sta's macaddr, cur_network's macaddr:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x (B)DMFlag=0x%x, arg=0x%x (A)DMFlag=0x%x bSurpriseRemoved=%d, bDriverStopped=%d free_xmitbuf_cnt=%d, free_xmitframe_cnt=%d, free_xmit_extbuf_cnt=%d rx_urb_pending_cn=%d sta_dz_bitmap=0x%x, tim_bitmap=0x%x capability=0x%x flags=0x%x wpa_psk=0x%x wpa2_group_cipher=0x%x wpa2_pairwise_cipher=0x%x qos_info=0x%x dot118021XPrivacy=0x%x dump rx packet (%d) dump tx packet (%d) ###### silent reset test.......##### ==>silent resete cnts:%d rtw driver version=%s v4.1.2_4787.20120803turn %s Rx RSSI display function chang data rate to :0x%02x === DMFlag(0x%08x) === extra_arg = 0 - disable all dynamic func extra_arg = 1 - disable DIG- BIT(0) extra_arg = 2 - disable High power - BIT(1) extra_arg = 3 - disable tx power tracking - BIT(2) extra_arg = 4 - disable BT coexistence - BIT(3) extra_arg = 5 - disable antenna diversity - BIT(4) extra_arg = 6 - enable all dynamic func wr(0xc50)=0x%x wr(0xc58)=0x%x rd(0xc50)=0x%x rd(0xc58)=0x%x dbg(0x210)=0x%x dbg(0x608)=0x%x dbg(0x280)=0x%x dbg(0x284)=0x%x dbg(0x288)=0x%x dbg(0x664)=0x%x dbg(0x430)=0x%x dbg(0x438)=0x%x dbg(0x440)=0x%x dbg(0x458)=0x%x dbg(0x484)=0x%x dbg(0x488)=0x%x dbg(0x444)=0x%x dbg(0x448)=0x%x dbg(0x44c)=0x%x dbg(0x450)=0x%x error dbg cmd! Unknown WPA supplicant request: %d rtw_add_sta(aid=%d)=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x rtw_del_sta=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x rtw_del_sta(), sta has already been removed or never been added %s, len=%d rtw_set_encryption(), sta has already been removed or never been added clear default encryption keys, keyid=%d r871x_set_encryption, crypt.alg = WEP r871x_set_encryption, wep_key_idx=%d, len=%d r871x_set_encryption: pwep allocate fail !!! %s, set group_key, WEP %s, set group_key, TKIP %s, set group_key, CCMP %s, set group_key, none %s, set pairwise key, WEP %s, set pairwise key, TKIP %s, set pairwise key, CCMP %s, set pairwise key, none rtw_get_sta_wpaie, sta_addr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x sta's wpa_ie is NONE %s name(%u) != 0 %s value(%u) Unknown hostapd request: %d pxmitbuf->pxmit_urb[i]==NULL%s()-%d: rtw_xmit() return error! %s-%d: skb_copy() failed! include/linux/netdevice.h6netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() ASSOCINFO(ReqIEs=%02x)+rtw_indicate_sta_assoc_event +rtw_indicate_sta_disassoc_event %s rssi %dLinkSpeed %dMacaddr = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x%s: failed to allocate memory %s: failed to access memory %s: Android private cmd "%s" on %s Unknown PRIVATE command %s - ignored OK%s: bytes_written = %d %s: failed to copy data to user buffer STARTSTOPSCAN-ACTIVESCAN-PASSIVERSSILINKSPEEDRXFILTER-STARTRXFILTER-STOPRXFILTER-ADDRXFILTER-REMOVEBTCOEXSCAN-STARTBTCOEXSCAN-STOPBTCOEXMODESETSUSPENDOPTP2P_DEV_ADDRSETFWPATHSETBANDGETBANDCOUNTRYP2P_SET_NOAP2P_GET_NOAP2P_SET_PSSET_AP_WPS_P2P_IEMACADDRBLOCKparmtype=rtw_mc2u_disable:intparm=rtw_max_roaming_times:The max roaming times to tryparmtype=rtw_max_roaming_times:uintparmtype=rtw_hw_wps_pbc:intparmtype=rtw_hwpwrp_detect:intparmtype=rtw_hwpdn_mode:intparmtype=rtw_enusbss:intparmtype=rtw_antdiv_type:intparmtype=rtw_antdiv_cfg:intparmtype=rtw_wifi_spec:intparmtype=rtw_low_power:intparmtype=rtw_smart_ps:intparmtype=rtw_power_mgnt:intparmtype=rtw_rf_config:intparmtype=rtw_lowrate_two_xmit:intparmtype=rtw_ampdu_amsdu:intparmtype=rtw_rx_stbc:intparmtype=rtw_ampdu_enable:intparmtype=rtw_cbw40_enable:intparmtype=rtw_ht_enable:intparmtype=rtw_busy_thresh:intparmtype=rtw_vcs_type:intparmtype=rtw_vrtl_carrier_sense:intparmtype=rtw_wmm_enable:intparmtype=rtw_mp_mode:intparmtype=rtw_channel:intparmtype=rtw_network_mode:intparmtype=rtw_lbkmode:intparmtype=rtw_rfintfs:intparmtype=rtw_chip_version:intparmtype=rtw_channel_plan:intparmtype=rtw_initmac:charpparmtype=ifname:charpparm=rtw_ips_mode:The default IPS modeparmtype=rtw_ips_mode:intversion=v4.1.2_4787.20120803author=Realtek Semiconductor Corp.description=Realtek Wireless Lan Driverlicense=GPLsrcversion=E54AFC4145D0A7E7121B00Dalias=usb:v0BDAp8179d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in*depends=vermagic=3.6.11+ preempt mod_unload modversions ARMv6 4aHa`apaaaaaaaaabb(b8bDbXblb|bbbbbbbbbcc0c $0H`lPPPPPPPPPPt   ( 4 0D @T P` l l x PPPPPo PPPo t PC C@L L 5l q v {      $<(P,d0x48<@qd|hlptx|0D"2&F*Z.n8L`t7t^@pNppB@+^+^+^OO^C^+^+^+^+^+^"C^"^OO"^0O"C^"C^"C^O^O+^+^+^+^+^0C^65.32+0/)--+*%(($&%!$#"!                    65.% 32+#0/)!--'+*%((" &%! $# "!                         xqk@e_i@ZU@UBP0LGC@<9520@-*(&$" y@rlf`[VQ@LHD@<9@6 3 0 -@ '5( )0123456789:;<=>?@]ABDEFGXAYZr[`faf&/(^+  ^  O   %OPQY]0 * !"#$%&'R < => ?@@n!Ce! 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