(English) Install ARToolKit 2.72.1 in Ubuntu 10.10

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  1. Kinect on Ubuntu 12.04. | Adrian Cooke - pingback on 2012年07月03日 at 09:45
  2. Hello,

    thanks for the tutorial, it worked!

  3. Hello,

    I Have one question for you.
    why in my bin folder in ARTOOLKIT, there was not simpleTest file ?

    • I’m not sure why that happend to you. (As far as I know) There is no option in ARToolKit to compile or not to compile the samples (as there is in OpenCV for example by using -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON with cmake). May be you could run the following to locate simpleTest on your system:

      sudo updatedb
      locate simpleTest

  4. Thanks for such a great tutorial. It helped me finish my coding research just in time!


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