Ubuntu 12.04でOpenCV 2.3.1をインストール

sudo apt-get install libopencv-*


sudo apt-get install python-opencv
sudo apt-get install python-numpy
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  1. Thanks for the pingback. :)

  2. Thanks to you, now I now how to install OpenCV 2.3.1 faster if I don’t need an special configuration of it ;)

  3. Use OpenCV on Eclipse CDT | Programming and Technology - pingback on 2012年05月18日 at 13:36
  4. Podrias ayudarme con este problema:

    libopencv-highgui-dev : Depende: libgtk2.0-dev pero no va a instalarse
    E: No se pudieron corregir los problemas, usted ha retenido paquetes rotos.

    He intentado instalar por separado el paquete libgtk2.0-dev pero faltan otros y asi sucesivamente…

    • Los problemas de dependencias la verdad que son lo peor. Igual podrías probar a forzar la instalación de los paquetes que te dan el problema. apt-get tiene una opción para eso pero ahora no recuerdo como era.

  5. Hello,

    How can i instal OpenCV (C++) and configure it with Cmike or Code blocks (i work under Ubuntu 12.04)


    • The installation process if you are using Ubuntu 12.04 is just as I described (have a look here: “Install OpenCV 2.3.1a in Ubuntu 11.10“). I don’t have any idea how to configure it with Code Blocks (I never heard about Cmike, may be you made a typo there and wanted to say Cmake…), but it should be just configure where the lib files are (probably in /usr/local/lib), where the include files are (probably /usr/local/include) and the library names to use on linking process. This may be useful for you: Use OpenCV in Eclipse CDT.

  6. Thank you very much dude =)

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  • Use OpenCV on Eclipse CDT | Programming and Technology - Pingback on 2012/05/18/ 13:36