(English) Using screen to leave processes running in a terminal

申し訳ありません、このコンテンツはただ今 EspañolEnglish のみです。


(English) Collada-dom 3D models having black textures bug solution
I used to have a problem with Collada-dom 3D models textures. Some times they were not correctly applied...
(English) Expose config.yml values globally for Twig templates in Symfony2 applications
Lets suppose you have created a bundle that has some specific configuration in the config.yml file (this...
(English) Add colors to the text in terminal application in Mac OS X
Just add the following 2 lines to your /etc/profile, ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile: export CLICOLOR=1 export...
(English) Fix black screen in Raspberry Pi with HDMI to VGA adapter
If you use an HDMI to VGA adaptor and get a black screen you may tweak the config.txt to solve the problem. If...
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